Post by Kathy Griffin [Katie] on Nov 11, 2010 23:39:06 GMT -5
Don't catch Julie. Kesha Anda Furtivamente Através de Linas Tribais
Post by Julie Chen [streetlightrox] on Nov 11, 2010 23:41:32 GMT -5
Kiefer when did u put that pic in ur sig?
Post by Zach Braff [Pgcool] on Nov 11, 2010 23:42:43 GMT -5
If Jacob crosses tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then Jacob really does cross tribal lines then 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Post by Fabio / Sean / Alex on Nov 11, 2010 23:44:10 GMT -5
tonight, why?
Post by Carrie Underwood (someome) on Nov 11, 2010 23:44:27 GMT -5
Tikal:7 Coba:2
Post by Kaysar/Mark (realityluver) on Nov 11, 2010 23:45:23 GMT -5
Kesha, I get what ur saying, but it doesn't make any sense to me what the language is.
Post by Julie Chen [streetlightrox] on Nov 11, 2010 23:45:36 GMT -5
jw if the pic is saved as [kiefersneaksacrosstriballines] but i cant check in ur sig
Post by Fabio / Sean / Alex on Nov 11, 2010 23:46:27 GMT -5
whatever. im going to bed. the directions werent clear. here i thought i was being creative. im goingto bed. i looked at the first set of directions, which arent clear. and just did work.
oh well, take two off of us!
Post by Julie Chen [streetlightrox] on Nov 11, 2010 23:46:27 GMT -5
Why did Kesha 'furtively walk?'
Post by Carrie Underwood (someome) on Nov 11, 2010 23:46:48 GMT -5
Post by Fabio / Sean / Alex on Nov 11, 2010 23:47:00 GMT -5
No, Kiefer sneaks across enemy lines is written in his hair... but it doesnt count.
Post by Julie Chen [streetlightrox] on Nov 11, 2010 23:47:11 GMT -5
I was right?
Post by Fabio / Sean / Alex on Nov 11, 2010 23:47:59 GMT -5
No, u said was it saved as that. but its not. it is written on the sig, in his hair.
Post by Kathy Griffin [Katie] on Nov 11, 2010 23:48:14 GMT -5
Don't Catch Jacob
Post by Julie Chen [streetlightrox] on Nov 11, 2010 23:48:19 GMT -5
nvm.... that would've been a good trick though....